Language: EN


What is TypeScript

We start the course on TypeScript, an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft, which has become one of the most popular options for web development.

History of TypeScript

TypeScript was first introduced in October 2012 by Microsoft. Its main goal was to improve the development of large-scale JavaScript applications.

Anders Hejlsberg, known for being the architect of C# and one of the creators of Delphi, was one of the main designers of TypeScript.

Since its release, TypeScript has grown exponentially in popularity and usage. Many companies and open-source projects have adopted TypeScript as their preferred web programming language.

What is TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. This means that it is an extension of JavaScript that adds additional functionalities but shares the same base and operation.

This means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid in TypeScript. Which is a great advantage of TypeScript over other alternatives to JavaScript.

Among the functionalities that TypeScript adds to JavaScript, we mainly have,

  • Static typing (hence its name)
  • Improvements in object-oriented programming

Some tools and frameworks will be directly compatible with TypeScript. But for most, we will need to transpile (that is, convert) the TypeScript code into JavaScript.

We will see all of this in depth in the various articles of the course.

Course Requirements

Before we begin, in this course, we will assume that you have knowledge of programming in general and knowledge of the JavaScript programming language.

If that is not the case, or if at any point you need a refresher, here are links to the courses 👇

Before starting, this course assumes that you have general programming knowledge and familiarity with the JavaScript programming language.

If this is not the case, or if you need a refresher at any point, here is a link to some courses 👇