
What are Closures in JavaScript

  • 4 min

In JavaScript, a closure (or closure) is a feature that allows functions to have access to the scope of the function that contains them, even after that external function has finished executing.

In other words, a closure “closes over” the scope of the function that created it, allowing the local variables of that function to remain accessible.

Closures are an automatic feature. JavaScript manages closures for us when necessary (i.e., we don’t have to do anything).

However, it is interesting to understand how they work both to avoid unexpected errors and because they have implications for JavaScript’s memory management.

Creating closures

As I mentioned, closures are created automatically. This occurs when an inner function is defined within another function.

The closure allows the inner function to access the variables of the outer function, even after the outer function has completed its execution.

Let’s see this better with an example:

function createCounter() {
    let count = 0;
    return function() {
        return count;

const counter = createCounter();
console.log(counter()); // 1
console.log(counter()); // 2
console.log(counter()); // 3

In this example:

  1. createCounter is a function that defines a local variable count and returns an anonymous function
  2. The inner function has access to the variable count from its outer function (createCounter)
  3. The outer function createCounter has already finished executing. So we might think that the variable count ceases to exist
  4. However, the counter continues to work 🤔
  5. This is because JavaScript has created a closure, so count continues to exist

How closures work

To understand how closures work, it is important to understand how JavaScript handles scope and memory.

Lexical Scope

JavaScript uses the concept of lexical scope, meaning that the scope of a function is determined at the time of its creation, not at the time of its execution.

When a closure is created, the inner function “remembers” the lexical environment in which it was created, which includes all the variables and parameters of the outer function.

Scope Chain

When accessing a variable in a function, JavaScript follows a scope chain.

First, it looks for the variable in the local scope. If it’s not found, it searches in the outer function’s scope, and so on, until it reaches the global scope.

Closures preserve this scope chain, allowing access to the variables of the outer function.

Precautions when using closures

Although closures are useful and have many advantages, they can also lead to higher memory consumption (if not handled properly).

If a closure holds references to variables that are no longer needed, it may cause those variables to not be collected by the garbage collector, resulting in memory leaks.

Free Resources: When closures are no longer needed, make sure they do not hold references to resources that can be released.

Practical examples