
We're celebrating three years!

  • 2 min

We’re three years old now, three. Another year dedicated entirely to sharing unique content, where quality of content takes precedence over quantity. Remaining true to the spirit that originated this blog, which is nothing other than explaining certain things that are not usually explained so that anyone with an interest in learning can understand it regardless of their age or background. Explaining things as I would have liked them to have been explained to me.

This past year, the blog has undergone an ambitious expansion. In addition to the usual engineering and computer science posts, a new Geek Zone has been added. This section contains more advanced articles than the rest of the blog, such as tutorials for Arduino or Linux. These new sections have been very well received, so I can only thank you all for your interest and your time in reading them.

The latest addition to the Geek Zone has been the programming section. In this section, we will share code, tips, tricks, and tutorials for those who are just starting out in software development. Among the languages we will cover are the current main trends, such as C#, Java, Python, and Javascript, Processing, or Android.

The goal for the next year is to continue on the path we have started. Continuing with engineering and computer science posts, while incorporating more Arduino tutorials, Linux tutorials, enhancing the programming section, including examples of robotics, home automation, 3D printing… and all those things that we all like and that force us to keep our brains awake. Suggestions are welcome!

Finally, I say goodbye as I do every year, sincerely thanking all the friends who visit the blog regularly, all those with whom we chat on Twitter, or all those who by chance ended up reading these lines. To all, once again, and today more than ever…

Thank you very much for your visit.