
We turned 9

  • 1 min

We turned 9! A atypical year, marked by the strange situation we are living and that has disrupted us all to a greater or lesser extent.

Nevertheless, we have tried to maintain the rhythm of new entries. It has been achieved, more or less, not without some difficulty. Like for everyone, the last months have been chaotic, and have meant changes in priorities, and strong emotions.

However, and even more so in difficult times, it is worth remembering the little things that make us enjoy and bring us joy in our daily lives. This has given us even more strength to continue with this project, where we share hobbies and interests with a few thousand friends.

Not much else to say. We will continue here for another year, talking about Arduinos, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry Pi, PCBs, 3D printing, and many other topics that we like, with the enthusiasm of the first day.

Another year I say goodbye by thanking you for your visit, to all of you who collaborate in one way or another with this project, and wishing that all of you and your families are well. A big hug.