
We're 7 years old!

  • 3 min

The blog is turning 7 years old!… what years? BIG ONES. And, as usual, we take this moment of celebration to look back at a really exciting year and talk about plans that will set the path of the blog in the future.

Last year we finished the basic and intermediate Arduino tutorials (except for new components that appear from time to time). So this year we have been able to focus on the advanced tutorials and alternatives to Arduino. By the way, much more interesting and fun than before.

Related to the above, we have published a good number of new Arduino libraries. Following the best Open Source spirit, we have moved all the code to Github. We have more than 30 repositories, and growing rapidly! You are free to use the code from these projects as you wish, or collaborate on any of them.

And we can proudly say that we have the first robot projects. Which was always one of the main goals of the blog. We still need many tutorials to consider them finished, and many more robots are yet to come. But it doesn’t matter… We have robots already! And we are very excited about it.

On the other hand, the sections on Raspberry Pi and ESP8266/32 have had great growth and are already very advanced, with a large number of tutorials that will cover everything from the basics to the most advanced aspects. There is still a lot of work to be done, but both sections are starting to look very good!

As a great novelty of the year, we have just launched the 3D printing section. It was about time and we are very excited about it. This makes the blog more complete and earns its subtitle of Engineering, Computer Science, and Design (the “Design” part was neglected). We have a lot of plans for this section, and next year it will see great development.

Another novelty is that we have started doing reviews of products related to the blog’s theme. Because well… since I buy all the geeky (cheap) stuff I see on the Internet, at least it should be useful to someone and they can benefit from the experience of someone who has it, and can say whether it’s worth it or not.

As for visits, just when we thought we couldn’t grow anymore, you have surprised us once again and made this year exceed 3 million page views, almost a 50% increase from the previous year. I can only thank so much love from so many people all over the world.

For the future, there is a lot of work ahead! The main novelty will be that we are going to design our own PCBs for our projects. All designs will be Open Source and will be uploaded to Github so that you can use them in your projects.

Of course, we will have much more Arduino, ESP8266/32, Raspberry Pi, MQTT, IoT, 3D printing, programming, and whatever else comes our way. As you can see, we have plenty of material for a long time to come!! And, more importantly, a lot of desire and excitement to do it.

To finish, and as every year, I say goodbye by giving thanks to all of you who collaborate in one way or another with this project, whether it’s with your visit, posting a comment, or simply chatting and sharing interests on Twitter. Thank you for your visit!