Language: EN


The Any Type in TypeScript

  • 2 min

The any type in TypeScript is a special type that allows storing values of any type. Using any is similar to working with plain JavaScript, where no type restrictions are imposed on variables.

A variable of type any can contain values of any type and can change its type at runtime.

let variable: any;

variable = 42;          // number
variable = "string";    // string
variable = true;        // boolean
variable = { a: 1 };    // object
variable = [1, 2, 3];   // array

When a variable or parameter is declared with the type any, TypeScript does not perform any type checking at compile time for that variable.

An any variable can hold any type of value, and operations can be performed on it without the compiler generating type errors.

This provides great flexibility, but at the cost of losing the type safety that TypeScript offers.

Common use cases

Migration from JavaScript

One of the most common uses of any is during the migration of code from JavaScript to TypeScript. By using any, typing can be introduced gradually.

function processData(data: any): void {

Unknown source data

When working with data whose type is unknown in advance (such as data coming from an external API), any can be used.

async function fetchData(url: string): Promise<any> {
    let response = await fetch(url);
    return response.json();

Implementation of generic libraries

In some generic or utility libraries, the any type can be useful or necessary to work with them.

function clone<T>(object: T): T {
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));

let copy: any = clone({ a: 1, b: "text" });

Best practices Tips

Minimize the use of any

Use any only when absolutely necessary. Whenever possible, use more specific types to take advantage of TypeScript’s benefits.

// Avoid
let data: any = fetchData("");

// Prefer
interface Data {
    id: number;
    name: string;

let data: Data = fetchData("");

Type assertions

When you are certain of a variable’s type, you can use type assertions instead of any.

let element: any = document.getElementById("myElement");
let elementDiv = element as HTMLDivElement;
elementDiv.innerText = "Hello, TypeScript!";

Custom and generic types

Whenever possible, define custom types or use generics to maintain type safety.

function processList<T>(list: T[]): T[] {
    return => item);

let numbers: number[] = processList([1, 2, 3, 4]);