Detect uppercase words
Searches for words composed solely of uppercase letters.
Does not match: "hello", "World"
Detect decimal numbers
Searches for integers or decimal numbers with or without a sign.
Does not match: "abc", "123."
Detect dates in format
Detects dates with separators /
or -
Does not match: "2022-09-23"
Detect URLs
Searches for HTTP/HTTPS protocols followed by a domain.
Does not match: "", "http//example"
Validate an IPv4 address
Finds addresses with four numeric blocks between 0 and 255.
Does not match: "999.999.999.999", "123.456.789.0"
Validate an IPv6 address
Searches for addresses with 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal characters.
Does not match: "1234:5678:90ab", "2001:::7334"
Detect file names with specific extensions:
Searches for file names with extensions like .pdf
, .jpg
, etc.
Does not match: "documenttxt", "image.docx"
Form validations
Detect usernames
Allows usernames between 3 and 16 characters that include letters, numbers, and underscores.
Does not match: "ac", "elcastigadordelasregularexpressions"
Detect secure passwords
Searches for passwords with at least 8 characters, including uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.
Does not match: "password", "12345678"
Detect email addresses
Identifies a username followed by @
, a domain, and an extension.
Detect phone numbers
Searches for an optional country prefix followed by a phone number with optional spaces or dashes.
Does not match: "123456", "phone: +44 20"
Detect a credit card
Does not match: "1234567890123456", "6011000000000004"
Detect links in Markdown
Finds links where the text is between brackets and the URL is between parentheses.
Does not match: "[](", "("
Capture images in Markdown format
Searches for the pattern of an image with description and image URL.