
Type Conversion in Python

  • 2 min

In Python, it is possible to convert between data types using built-in functions. Some of the most common conversion functions include:

int()Converts a value to integer
float()Converts a value to float
str()Converts a value to string
bool()Converts a value to boolean

It is important to note that not all conversions are possible. In the case of making an invalid conversion, information loss (or even an error) may occur.

For example,

  • When converting a float to an integer, the decimal part will be truncated
  • When converting a string to a number, the text value must be a valid number (otherwise, an error will be raised)

Convert a value to integer

The int() function is used to convert a value to an integer.

# Conversion from float to integer
float_value = 3.14
integer = int(float_value)

# Conversion from string to integer
string = "25"
integer = int(string)

# Conversion from boolean to integer
boolean = True
integer = int(boolean)

If the value cannot be converted to a valid integer, an error will be raised.

Convert a value to float

The float() function is used to convert a value to a floating-point number.

# Conversion from integer to float
integer = 10
float_value = float(integer)

# Conversion from string to float
string = "3.14"
float_value = float(string)

# Conversion from boolean to float
boolean = True
float_value = float(boolean)

If the value cannot be converted to a valid float, an error will be raised.

Convert a value to string

The str() function is used to convert a value to a string. This function can convert values of any type to a string representation.

# Conversion from integer to string
integer = 10
string = str(integer)

# Conversion from float to string
float_value = 3.14
string = str(float_value)

# Conversion from boolean to string
boolean = True
string = str(boolean)

Convert a value to boolean

The bool() function is used to convert a value to a boolean value. In Python, any value can be converted to a boolean, and the result can be True or False.

# Conversion from integer to boolean
integer = 0
boolean = bool(integer)

# Conversion from string to boolean
string = "True"
boolean = bool(string)

# Conversion from float to boolean
float_value = 0.0
boolean = bool(float_value)