
Assignment Operators in Python

  • 2 min

Assignment operators in Python allow us to assign values to variables.

The most common assignment operator is the = operator. This operator is used to assign the value on the right to the variable on the left.

In addition to the basic assignment operator (=), there are compound assignment operators that combine an arithmetic operation with assignment, simplifying and optimizing the code.

Basic assignment operator (=)

The basic assignment operator (=) is used to assign a value to a variable. For example:

number = 10

In this example, number is a variable that is assigned the value 10.

The assignment operator is also used to update the value of a variable. For example:

a = 5; # Initial assignment
a = 10; # Updating the value

Compound assignment operators

+= operator

The += operator is used to add the value on the right to the variable and assign the result to the variable.

counter = 5
counter += 3  # Equivalent to counter = counter + 3

After this operation, counter will be equal to 8.

-= operator

The -= operator is used to subtract the value on the right from the variable and assign the result to the variable.

total = 100
discount = 20
total -= discount  # Equivalent to total = total - discount

After this operation, total will be equal to 80.

*= and /= operators

These operators are used to multiply (*=) and divide (/=) the variable by the value on the right and assign the result to the variable, respectively.

amount = 5
amount *= 2  # Equivalent to amount = amount * 2

price = 100
discount = 20
price /= (100 - discount) / 100  # Equivalent to price = price / ((100 - discount) / 100)

//= operator

The //= operator is used to perform integer division and assign the result to the variable.

number = 25
number //= 4  # Equivalent to number = number // 4, the result is 6

After this operation, number will be equal to 6.

%= and **= operators

These operators are used to calculate the modulus (%=) and the power (**=) of the variable and assign the result to the variable, respectively.

number = 10
number %= 3  # Equivalent to number = number % 3

base = 2
exponent = 3
base **= exponent  # Equivalent to base = base ** exponent

%= and **= operators

These operators are used to calculate the modulus (%=) and the power (**=) of the variable and assign the result to the variable, respectively.

number = 10
number %= 3  # Equivalent to number = number % 3

base = 2
exponent = 3
base **= exponent  # Equivalent to base = base ** exponent