Language: EN


Assignment Operators in Python

Assignment operators allow us to assign values to variables.

If you want to learn more
consult the Introduction to Programming Course read more

List of assignment operators

Operator =

The assignment operator (=) is used to assign a value to a variable.

number = 10

In this example, number is a variable to which the value 10 is assigned.

Operator +=

The += operator is used to add the value on the right to the variable and assign the result to the variable.

counter = 5
counter += 3  # Equivalent to counter = counter + 3

After this operation, counter will be equal to 8.

Operator -=

The -= operator is used to subtract the value on the right from the variable and assign the result to the variable.

total = 100
discount = 20
total -= discount  # Equivalent to total = total - discount

After this operation, total will be equal to 80.

Operators *= and /=

These operators are used to multiply (*=) and divide (/=) the variable by the value on the right and assign the result to the variable, respectively.

quantity = 5
quantity *= 2  # Equivalent to quantity = quantity * 2

price = 100
discount = 20
price /= (100 - discount) / 100  # Equivalent to price = price / ((100 - discount) / 100)

Operator //=

The //= operator is used to perform integer division and assign the result to the variable.

number = 25
number //= 4  # Equivalent to number = number // 4, the result is 6

After this operation, number will be equal to 6.

Operators %= and **=

These operators are used to calculate the modulus (%=) and the power (**=) of the variable and assign the result to the variable, respectively.

number = 10
number %= 3  # Equivalent to number = number % 3

base = 2
exponent = 3
base **= exponent  # Equivalent to base = base ** exponent