
OpenRobot, PCB Open Hardware for your Arduino projects

  • 3 min

OpenRobot is an Arduino Nano-based PCB that allows you to carry out a large number of projects and robots, especially suitable for teaching.

Once assembled, OpenRobot allows you to assemble an almost unlimited number of projects without the need for soldering, wiring, or using a protoboard. You just have to add or change the modules that we assemble.


OpenRobot is compatible with a huge number of modules, thanks to its multiple digital outputs, I2C, and UART at 3V3 and 5V. It is also compatible with different DC-DC converters, and different IMUs, including the popular MPU6050, MPU9050/9250, and L3GD20, as well as ultrasonic or analog distance sensors).

The design of OpenRobot is designed so that you can adapt it to your use by simply changing modules. Don’t need the motor driver? Don’t assemble it! Don’t want the environmental sensor? Prefer an Oled screen? Change it! Want to add more servos with an I2C expander? Play and enjoy the combinations.

You don’t even need to assemble the entire board, with all its pins and headers. You can assemble only the part you will need for your project. Or assemble it complete and discover the possibilities!

What can I do with OpenRobot?

Almost any Arduino project you can imagine! Some of them are,

  • Robots with DC motors, such as obstacle detectors, maze runners, line followers, self-balancers…
  • Robots with servos, such as a 2-DOF turret, a light follower, a 6-DOF arm
  • Projects with high power outputs by Mosfet, such as lights, electromagnets, water pumps, peltier plates, thermoresistances…
  • Projects with Bluetooth (HC-05/HC-06), such as communication with PC or Smartphone, beacons…
  • Projects with WiFi (ESP01), controlled by Web, MQTTT, dataloggers, IoT…
  • Environmental stations with temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure measurement (BME280)


OpenRobot has a huge number of available outputs, allowing it to be adapted to a large number of projects.

  • 2x DC Motor
  • 2x Encoder
  • Auxiliary outputs of 3V3, 5V, Vreg
  • 2x I2C 5V + 1x I2C 3V3
  • 3x Ultrasonic distance sensors
  • 3x Analog inputs (with optional pull-up resistor)
  • 6x Servo
  • 5x Infrared sensors
  • 3x High power Mosfet

But, of course, you can use any of the outputs (within the Arduino pinout) as a GPIO pin for your project.



Of course, not all components, outputs, and combinations are available at the same time, due to the number of pins available in Arduino. Here is the equivalence between each Arduino pin and the outputs of OpenRobot.


You will need to choose which components and outputs are necessary for your project. But the possibilities are almost limitless!

Power supply

Power supply is one of the most important parts of any project and, thus, it is also one of the most important parts of OpenRobot. OpenRobot allows flexible but powerful management of the options for powering your project.

  • You can assemble up to 3 DC converters. (for 5V, 3V3, + an additional Vreg for an arbitrary voltage)
  • Selectors through jumpers to decide which components (DC Motors, servo, Mosfet) are powered with each voltage.
  • It is possible to bypass the DC converters and power directly from the Arduino regulator (only in the case of projects with low power consumption requirements)
  • Battery voltage measurement (optional)
  • Single connection terminal for power supply from power supply or battery
  • On/Off switch

Download the files

More information, documentation, and all the project files on GitHub. github-full