
New section, electronic calculators

  • 1 min

We continue to progressively incorporate improvements to the blog. Given the good reception that the incorporation of an Advanced Zone of DIY electronics and robotics projects has had, especially the Arduino and Raspberry sections, today we are inaugurating a new section of electronic calculators where we will solve common problems within the field.

And what better way to start than with two classic and very common problems in the world of electronics. On the one hand, the voltage divider made with resistors in series, and on the other hand, the current divider made using resistors in parallel. Both are fundamental and simple problems to solve, but we know that they can be a headache for those who are just starting out in the world of electronics.

The new calculators are being added to the existing energy efficiency calculators. Like these, the calculators have been designed to be especially adapted for mobile phones and tablets, allowing for comfortable and quick calculations from any location.

Gradually, we will be adding more calculators to both sections, to calculate standardized resistors, RC filters, transistor networks, etc. I hope you find them useful, and if you have any suggestions or requests, we are happy to take them into account.