Language: EN


JavaScript Versions

  • 5 min

Let’s review the main versions of JavaScript, with their most important improvements and modifications.

JavaScript has evolved significantly since its creation, especially since 2015. It is no longer the “kitchen sink” language that was often criticized (which, it is still criticized, but now with less reason).

With the various versions, it has become a much more formal and professional language, maintaining its own characteristics while incorporating new functions that have brought it to the level of a modern programming language.

So here you have a list and its release dates.

  • JavaScript

    Evolution of the language since its creation

  • JavaScript 1.0

    Created by Brendan Eich at Netscape

  • JavaScript 1.1

    First implementation in Netscape Navigator 3

  • ECMAScript 1

    First ECMAScript standard

  • ECMAScript 3 ⭐

    Major update

  • ECMAScript 5

    Strict mode and native JSON

  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6/ES2015) ⭐

    Massive update: let, const, classes, modules

  • ECMAScript 7 (ES2016)

    Includes and exponentiation

  • ECMAScript 8 (ES2017)

    async/await, Object.entries()

  • ECMAScript 9 (ES2018)

    Rest/Spread for objects

  • ECMAScript 10 (ES2019)

    flat(), flatMap(), trimStart()

  • ECMAScript 11 (ES2020)

    BigInt, nullish coalescing, Optional Chaining

  • ECMAScript 12 (ES2021)

    Promise.any(), logical assignment operators

  • ECMAScript 13 (ES2022)

    Top-level await, RegExp Match Indices

  • ECMAScript 14 (ES2023)

    Improvements in arrays and WeakRefs

And here is a summary of the main features included in each version 👇.

Features by version