Language: EN


Date Methods in JavaScript

  • 4 min

The Date object provides a variety of methods for working with dates. Let’s take a look at some of the most useful ones.

Creation Methods

MethodDescription the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970
Date.parse()Parses a string representation of a date and returns the number of milliseconds since 1970
Date.UTC()Creates a date in UTC based on the provided arguments (year, month, day, etc.)
const currentDate = new Date();

const milliseconds =;
const parsedDate = Date.parse("2024-08-14T12:00:00Z");
const utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2024, 7, 14, 12, 0, 0));

Getting Date Components

getDate()Returns the day of the month (1-31) according to local time
getDay()Returns the day of the week (0-6) according to local time
getFullYear()Returns the full year (4 digits) according to local time
getMonth()Returns the month (0-11) according to local time
getHours()Returns the hour (0-23) according to local time
getMinutes()Returns the minutes (0-59) according to local time
getSeconds()Returns the seconds (0-59) according to local time
getMilliseconds()Returns the milliseconds (0-999) according to local time
getTime()Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970
valueOf()Does the same as getTime()
getTimezoneOffset()Returns the difference in minutes between UTC and local time

For example,

const date = new Date();
console.log(date.getFullYear()); // Current year
console.log(date.getMonth());    // Current month (0-11)
console.log(date.getDate());     // Day of the month
console.log(date.getDay());      // Day of the week
console.log(date.getHours());    // Hour
console.log(date.getMinutes());  // Minutes
console.log(date.getSeconds());  // Seconds

Getting Components in UTC

These are the same as the previous ones, but return the date in UTC.

getUTCDate()Returns the day of the month (1-31) according to UTC.
getUTCDay()Returns the day of the week (0-6) according to UTC.
getUTCFullYear()Returns the full year (4 digits) according to UTC.
getUTCMonth()Returns the month (0-11) according to UTC.
getUTCHours()Returns the hour (0-23) according to UTC.
getUTCMinutes()Returns the minutes (0-59) according to UTC.
getUTCSeconds()Returns the seconds (0-59) according to UTC.
getUTCMilliseconds()Returns the milliseconds (0-999) according to UTC.

Setting Components

setDate()Sets the day of the month (1-31) according to local time
setFullYear()Sets the full year (4 digits) according to local time
setMonth()Sets the month (0-11) according to local time
setHours()Sets the hour (0-23) according to local time
setMinutes()Sets the minutes (0-59) according to local time
setSeconds()Sets the seconds (0-59) according to local time
setMilliseconds()Sets the milliseconds (0-999) according to local time
setTime()Sets the date and time based on a value in milliseconds since 1970.

For example,

const date = new Date();

console.log(date.getFullYear());    // E.g.: 2024
console.log(date.getMonth());       // E.g.: 7 (August, months start at 0)
console.log(date.getDate());        // E.g.: 14 (Day of the month)
console.log(date.getDay());         // E.g.: 3 (Wednesday, 0 = Sunday)
console.log(date.getHours());       // E.g.: 12 (Hour)
console.log(date.getMinutes());     // E.g.: 30 (Minutes)
console.log(date.getSeconds());     // E.g.: 45 (Seconds)
console.log(date.getMilliseconds());// E.g.: 500 (Milliseconds)
console.log(date.getTime());        // Milliseconds since 1970
console.log(date.getTimezoneOffset()); // E.g.: -120 (Difference in minutes with UTC)

UTC Information Setting Methods

setUTCDate()Sets the day of the month (1-31) according to UTC.
setUTCFullYear()Sets the full year (4 digits) according to UTC.
setUTCMonth()Sets the month (0-11) according to UTC.
setUTCHours()Sets the hour (0-23) according to UTC.
setUTCMinutes()Sets the minutes (0-59) according to UTC.
setUTCSeconds()Sets the seconds (0-59) according to UTC.
setUTCMilliseconds()Sets the milliseconds (0-999) according to UTC.

Formatting Methods

toDateString()Returns the date part as a readable string
toTimeString()Returns the time part as a readable string
toLocaleDateString()Returns the formatted date according to locale settings
toLocaleTimeString()Returns the formatted time according to locale settings
toISOString()Returns the date in ISO 8601 format (UTC)
toUTCString()Returns the date as a UTC string
toJSON()Returns a JSON format representation of the date

For example,

const date = new Date();

console.log(date.toDateString());   // "Mon Aug 14 2024"
console.log(date.toTimeString());    // "12:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)"

console.log(date.toISOString());     // "2024-08-14T12:00:00.000Z"
console.log(date.toLocaleDateString()); // "14/8/2024" (depending on local settings)