Language: EN


Methods to Insert SVG in HTML

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a format for representing vector graphics, which is very useful when developing web pages.

However, it can sometimes be a mess because there are several ways to insert SVG into HTML *(of course, each with its own advantages and disadvantages):

So let’s look at the most common methods for inserting an SVG into HTML, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

MethodCSS ModificationReuseUse in ::before/::after
background-image in CSSNoYesYes
mask or clip-path in CSSYes (background color)YesYes
Inline SVG (<svg> in HTML)YesNoNo
<symbol> and <use>YesYesNo
<object> or <iframe>LimitedYesNo

In summary

  • Simple Options: Methods like <img> or background-image
  • Allow modification from CSS: We can use mask (only color) or <symbol>/<use> for full control
  • To use in before/after: Use background-image or mask in CSS
  • For reuse: The <img> or <symbol> and <use> options

Insert SVG as an Image

This is the simplest method for inserting an SVG into a web page, similar to how images in formats like JPG or PNG are inserted.

<img src="icono.svg" alt="Icon">
  • Style Modification: Does not allow changing the color of the SVG through CSS. The SVG is rendered as an image
  • Limited Accessibility: You cannot manipulate the content of the SVG or add interactivity from HTML or CSS

Use SVG as Background

This method is ideal for using SVGs as decorative backgrounds for elements, applying the SVG as a background image in CSS.

.icon {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background-image: url('icono.svg');
  • Style Modification: You cannot change the color of the SVG using CSS, as the SVG is treated as a background image
  • Interactivity Limitations: You cannot apply effects or interactivity directly to the SVG.

Insert SVG Directly into HTML

Another option is to copy the SVG code directly into the HTML.

<svg width="50" height="50" fill="currentColor" xmlns="">
    <path d="M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 Z" />
  • Code Redundancy: If you need to use the same SVG in multiple places, the code can become repetitive and bulky

Use Symbol and Use

A more modern approach is to define an SVG once in the document using symbol.

<svg style="display:none;">
  <symbol id="icon" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
    <path d="M10 10 H 90 V 90 H 10 Z" />

Subsequently, we can reuse it in various places with use

<svg width="50" height="50" fill="currentColor">
  <use href="#icon"></use>
  • Complexity: Needs to be present in the same HTML document or be correctly referenced from external files.

Use Object

This method inserts the SVG as an object or within an embedded frame, allowing for greater control via JavaScript.

<object data="icono.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
  • Style Modification: Not ideal for changing colors with CSS. The SVG is treated as a separate object
  • Compatibility and Performance: There may be performance and compatibility issues in some browsers

Use CSS mask

If you need to change the color of an SVG when used as a background, you can use masks (mask) or clipping paths (clip-path)

.icon {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: red;
    mask: url('icono.svg') no-repeat center;
  • Limited Flexibility: Less flexible regarding the customization of the SVG
  • Compatibility Issues: In older browsers