
How to use Bold and Italic in Markdown

  • 2 min

Markdown provides a simple syntax to apply bold and italic styles. Let’s see how to use each of these styles.


To make text bold, use two asterisks (**) or two underscores (__) around the text you want to highlight.

**This text is bold**
__This text is also bold__

This renders as:

This text is bold
This text is also bold

There can be no space between the ** or __ and the text. It must touch directly. That is, the following syntax will not work for you.

** This text is NOT bold**
__ This text is NOT bold either__

It’s a common mistake that can drive you crazy, so remember not to put the whitespace.


To make text italic, use one asterisk (*) or one underscore (_) around the text you want to highlight.

*This text is italic*
_Esthis text is also italic_

This renders as:

This text is italic
Esthis text is also italic

Combined bold and italic

You can combine bold and italic using three asterisks (***) or three underscores (___) around the text.

***This text is bold and italic***
___This text is also bold and italic___

This renders as:

This text is bold and italic
This text is also bold and italic

Best Practices Tips

Consistency in syntax: Although Markdown allows us to use various forms of emphasis, it is advisable to choose one of them and use it consistently in your document (Do not mix them up).

For example, I like ** for bold and _ for italic. That way I can easily recognize them. But use your own criteria.

Highlight key information: Use bold to highlight key information and important terms, and italic for titles of works, technical terms, or to provide additional emphasis.

Avoid Excess: Do not overuse bold and italic. Highlighting too many elements can reduce the effect and even make the text harder to read.