Language: EN


Heat Transfer Formulas

Heat Conduction

Fourier’s Law

The rate of heat transfer by conduction is expressed as:


  • = rate of heat transfer (W)
  • = thermal conductivity of the material (W/m·K)
  • = area of the cross-section (m²)
  • = temperature gradient (K/m)

Transient Conduction Equation

For a transient state, the one-dimensional heat conduction equation can be used:


  • = temperature (K)
  • = time (s)
  • = density (kg/m³)
  • = specific heat capacity (J/kg·K)

Heat Convection

Newton’s Cooling Law

The rate of heat transfer by convection is expressed as:


  • = rate of heat transfer (W)
  • = convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m²·K)
  • = surface area (m²)
  • = surface temperature (K)
  • = temperature of the fluid far from the surface (K)

Heat Radiation

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

The rate of heat transfer by radiation is expressed as:


  • = rate of heat transfer (W)
  • = emissivity of the surface (dimensionless)
  • = Stefan-Boltzmann constant ()
  • = surface area (m²)
  • = surface temperature (K)
  • = surrounding temperature (K)

Heat Transfer in Composite Systems

Thermal Resistance

The total thermal resistancein a series system can be calculated as:

where eachis the thermal resistance of each layer, calculated as:


  • = thickness of the layer (m)
  • = thermal conductivity of the layer (W/m·K)

Heat Transfer in Parallel

The rate of heat transfer in a parallel system can be calculated as:

where eachis calculated using Fourier’s law or Newton’s cooling law as appropriate.

Heat Transfer by Evaporation and Condensation

Latent Heat

The heat transferred during evaporation or condensation is calculated as:


  • = heat transferred (J)
  • = mass of the fluid (kg)
  • = latent heat of evaporation or condensation (J/kg)

Heat Transfer Efficiency

Efficiency of a Heat Exchanger

Efficiency can be defined as:


  • = actual rate of heat transfer (W)
  • = maximum rate of heat transfer (W)

Dimensionless Numbers

Nusselt Number (Nu)

The Nusselt number is a dimensionless number that characterizes heat transfer by convection compared to conduction. It is defined as:


  • = convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m²·K)
  • = characteristic length (m), which can be the diameter of a pipe, the height of a plate, etc.
  • = thermal conductivity of the fluid (W/m·K)


  • A high Nusselt number indicates that convection is significant compared to conduction. This is often the case in turbulent flows or in systems where high temperatures are applied.
  • A low Nusselt number suggests that conduction is the predominant mode of heat transfer, as in laminar flow situations.

Reynolds Number (Re)

The Reynolds number is a dimensionless number that describes the relationship between inertial forces and viscous forces in a moving fluid. It is defined as:


  • = density of the fluid (kg/m³)
  • = velocity of the fluid (m/s)
  • = characteristic length (m)
  • = dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa·s)


  • : laminar flow.
  • : turbulent flow.
  • : transitional regime.

Prandtl Number (Pr)

The Prandtl number is a dimensionless number that relates momentum diffusion (viscosity) to heat diffusion. It is defined as:


  • = dynamic viscosity (Pa·s)
  • = specific heat capacity (J/kg·K)
  • = thermal conductivity (W/m·K)


  • Aindicates that heat diffusion is faster than momentum diffusion (light fluid).
  • Asuggests that momentum diffusion is faster than heat diffusion (heavy fluid).

Schmidt Number (Sc)

The Schmidt number is a dimensionless number that relates mass diffusion to momentum diffusion in a fluid. It is defined as:


  • = mass diffusion coefficient (m²/s)


  • Aindicates that mass diffusion is faster than momentum diffusion.
  • Aindicates that momentum diffusion is faster than mass diffusion.

Grashof Number (Gr)

The Grashof number is a dimensionless number that measures the importance of buoyancy forces in a fluid due to temperature differences. It is defined as:


  • = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)
  • = thermal expansion coefficient (1/K)
  • = surface temperature (K)
  • = surrounding temperature (K)
  • = characteristic length (m)
  • = kinematic viscosity (m²/s)


  • A highindicates that buoyancy forces dominate the flow, as in natural convection.
  • A lowsuggests that the flow is dominated by viscosity.

Physical Constants

Table with some of the main physical constants and properties that are useful in the analysis of heat transfer and fluid mechanics.

Stefan-Boltzmann ConstantW/m²·K⁴Constant that relates thermal radiation to temperature.
Thermal Conductivity of AirW/m·KThermal conductivity of air at 25 °C.
Thermal Conductivity of WaterW/m·KThermal conductivity of water at 25 °C.
Specific Heat Capacity of WaterJ/kg·KSpecific heat capacity of water.
Density of Waterkg/m³Density of water at 4 °C.
Dynamic Viscosity of WaterPa·sDynamic viscosity of water at 25 °C.
Dynamic Viscosity of AirPa·sDynamic viscosity of air at 25 °C.
Density of Airkg/m³Density of air at 25 °C and 1 atm.
Gravitym/s²Acceleration due to gravity on Earth.
Latent Heat of Vaporization of WaterJ/kgHeat required to vaporize 1 kg of water at 100 °C.
Emissivity of SteeldimensionlessEmissivity of the steel surface.
Emissivity of WaterdimensionlessEmissivity of the water surface.

Notes on Constants:

  • The provided values are approximate and may vary with temperature and pressure. It is important to consult specific tables or technical literature for more precise values under particular conditions.
  • Properties such as density and viscosity of air and water change with temperature, so be sure to consider the specific conditions of the problem you are analyzing.

Properties of Substances

Table with some important properties of the main materials and substances commonly used in heat transfer analysis.

Material/SubstanceThermal ConductivitySpecific Heat CapacityDensityViscosityEmissivityDescription
WaterLiquid commonly used in heating and cooling systems.
AirGas used as a heat transfer medium in convection systems.
CopperMetal with high thermal conductivity, used in electrical and thermal applications.
AluminumLightweight metal efficient in heat transfer, used in heat exchangers.
SteelMaterial used in structures and thermal equipment components.
GlassMaterial used in windows and containers, with low thermal conductivity.
Polypropylene (PP)Plastic used in low-temperature applications.
Polystyrene (PS)Common insulating material, used in packaging and insulation.
ConcreteConstruction material with good heat storage capacity.

Notes on Properties:

  • The provided values are approximate and may vary depending on temperature, pressure, and purity of materials. It is always recommended to consult specific sources or technical literature for accurate values.
  • Thermal conductivity is essential for determining how a material can transfer heat.
  • Specific heat capacity indicates the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of a unit mass of material.
  • Density is important for calculating the weight and volume of a material in engineering applications.
  • Viscosity affects the flow of liquids and gases and, therefore, heat transfer in convection systems.
  • Emissivity is a key factor in thermal radiation, affecting how a material emits and absorbs thermal radiation.