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Discrete Mathematics cheatsheet


A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, where each number is called a term. It can be represented as, whereis a positive integer indicating the position of the term in the sequence.


A sequence is defined as:

Example: The sequence of natural numbers:

Types of Sequences

Arithmetic Sequences

They are characterized by having a constant difference between consecutive terms.

whereis the common difference.

Geometric Sequences

They are characterized by having a constant ratio between consecutive terms.

whereis the common ratio.

Alternating Sequences

They are characterized by alternating between two or more values.

Example:produces the sequence

Monotonic Sequences

  • Monotonically Increasing:
  • Monotonically Decreasing:

Convergence and Divergence


A sequence converges to a limitif, for any, there exists a natural numbersuch that for all:


A sequence diverges if it does not converge to a finite limit.


A series is the sum of the terms of a sequence. It is generally denoted asand can be represented as follows:

Types of Series

Finite Series

Sum of a finite number of terms.


Infinite Series

Sum of infinitely many terms. It is defined as the limit of the sum of theterms astends to infinity:

Arithmetic Series

The sum of an arithmetic series can be calculated using the formula:

whereis the-th term.

Geometric Series

The sum of a geometric series, where, can be calculated as:

Alternating Series

Alternating series have terms that change sign. An important criterion for convergence is the Leibniz Criterion:

  • An alternating seriesconverges if:
    1. is monotonically decreasing.
    2. .

Power Series

A power series has the form:

whereis the center of the series.

Convergence is determined in the interval of convergence, given by the radius:


Theorem of Convergence of Series

A seriesconverges if the sequence of the partial sumsconverges to a limit.

Convergence Criteria

  • Comparison Criterion: Ifandconverges, thenalso converges.
  • Root Criterion: For:

Abel’s Theorem

Ifconverges andis monotonically decreasing and converges to 0, thenconverges.

Integers and Number Theory


Prime Numbers

A numberis prime if it is only divisible by 1 and itself.

Composite Numbers

A numberis composite if it has more than two divisors.

Fermat’s Little Theorem

Ifis a prime number andis an integer such that, then:

Greatest Common Divisor

The Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two or more integers is the largest integer that divides all those numbers without leaving a remainder.

For two integersand:

Properties of GCD

  • Non-negativity:.
  • Commutativity:.
  • Divisibility Property: If, thendivides any linear combination ofand.

Euclidean Algorithm

To find the GCD of two numbersand:

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

The Least Common Multiple of two or more integers is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of all those numbers.

For two integersand:

Properties of LCM

  • Non-negativity:andonly ifor.
  • Commutativity:.

Relationship Between GCD and LCM

Modular Arithmetic

Modular Congruence


Ifand, then: ---

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Ifare pairwise coprime integers, then for any system of congruences:

There exists a unique solution, where.