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How to use WebSockets in C# with the WebSocket Sharp library

WebSocket Sharp is an open-source library for implementing WebSocket in .NET applications.

We already saw in this tutorial that implementing a WebSocket connection manually is quite a pain. So it’s best to use a library that makes our work easier.

WebSocketSharp is the most well-known and popular library for this job. It provides an easy-to-use, high-level API for implementing WebSocket in .NET applications.

WebSocketSharp implements all the functionalities we can expect in a WebSocket library, such as compression, authentication, header management, cookies, among many other options.

Check the documentation of the library for a list of available options and how to use them.

How to use WebSocketSharp

We can easily add the library to a .NET project through the corresponding Nuget package.

Install-Package WebSocketSharp

Here are some examples of how to use WebSocketSharp to make a connection as both a server and a client.

Example as a server

using WebSocketSharp.Server;
using WebSocketSharp;

public class TestService : WebSocketBehavior
    protected override void OnMessage(MessageEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Received from client: " + e.Data);
        Send("Data from server");

    protected override void OnError(WebSocketSharp.ErrorEventArgs e)
        // do nothing

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var ws = new WebSocketServer("ws://localhost:9006");


Example as a client

using WebSocketSharp;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        using var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:9006/Test");
        ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Received: " + e.Data);

        ws.Send("Data from client");


WebSocketSharp is Open Source, and all the code and documentation is available in the project’s repository at

Unfortunately, WebSocketSharp also has its own issues. The main one is that it is only available for .NET Framework.

The community has responded by creating different forks. For example:

However, in the next tutorial we will see the utility of WatsonWebsockets, a more modern but less known library for making WebSocket connections in C#.