
Exceptions in C#

  • 4 min

An exception in C# is an object that represents an error that occurs during the execution of a program. When an exception occurs, the normal flow of the program is interrupted. Then a block called try-catch is searched for to capture (and handle) the error.

That is, when an exception occurs, it can,

  • Be caught by a try-catch block
  • If not, it goes to the function that invoked the one that generated the error

If there is no try-catch block to capture the exception, it goes “upward.” If no one handles it, the exception will reach the main function (the normal outcome is that the program terminates abruptly).

In C#, exceptions are objects of a class that inherits from the base class Exception. These classes provide properties and methods to obtain information about the error and take actions based on the exception.

Throwing an exception

In C#, we can throw an exception ourselves using the throw keyword. By throwing an exception, we are indicating that an error has occurred and we want to notify the program.

throw new Exception("An error occurred");

In the previous example, we are throwing an exception of type Exception with a specific error message. This message can be used later to identify the error and take the necessary actions.

Predefined exceptions

In C#, there are different types of exceptions that we can catch using the try-catch block. Some examples of common exceptions are:


TimeoutException: Occurs when an operation exceeds the allowed timeout. For example, in network or database operations:

// Simplified example
var client = new HttpClient();
client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);  // Short timeout for the example
var response = await client.GetAsync("https://www.example.com");  // Will throw TimeoutException if the timeout is exceeded

These are just a few examples, but there are many predefined exceptions in C#.

Creating your own exceptions in .NET

In addition to using predefined exceptions in .NET, it is possible to create our own custom exceptions. This allows us to be more specific when handling errors in your applications.

To create our own exceptions, we simply need to create a class that inherits from the base class Exception (then you can add any property or method you need to provide additional information about the error).

Here is an example of a custom exception class:

public class MyException : Exception
    public MyException(string message) : base(message) { }
    public MyException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { }

In the code above,

  • The class MyException inherits from the class Exception
  • It adds two constructors to provide an error message and the possibility to include an inner exception.

Once you have your custom exception class, you can use it in your code just like you would use any other .NET exception. For example:

    // Code that may throw an exception
    throw new MyException("Error in my application");
catch (MyException ex)
    // Handling the custom exception