
C# and .NET Versions

  • 8 min

Let’s take a look at the different versions of C# and .NET, and the main features and functionalities that are incorporated in each of them.

We remember that in .NET there is a clear distinction between the Framework and the C# language. However, despite being separate, both C# and .NET have evolved hand in hand.

In each evolution, features and improvements have been added to both. But of course, they are only available from a version onwards.

That is to say, for example, you can only use features of C# 8 in .NET Core 1.0 or higher.

Of course, as they couldn’t make it easy, the versions of C# and .NET are not synchronized (they couldn’t make C# 7.0 go with .NET 7.0… No!).

So here is a list of both versions and their release dates.

  • C#

    .NET version

  • 1.0

    .NET Framework 1.0

  • 1.2

    .NET Framework 1.1

  • 2.0

    .NET Framework 2.0

  • 3.0

    .NET Framework 3.5

  • 4.0

    .NET Framework 4.0

  • 5.0

    .NET Framework 4.5

  • 6.0

    .NET Framework 4.6

  • 7.0

    .NET Core 1.0

  • 7.1

    .NET Core 1.1

  • 7.2

    .NET Core 2.0

  • 7.3

    .NET Core 2.1

  • 8.0

    .NET Core 3.0

  • 9.0

    .NET 5.0

  • 10.0

    .NET 6.0 (LTS)

  • 11.0

    .NET 7.0

  • 12.0

    .NET 8.0 (LTS)

  • 13.0

    .NET 9.0

  • 14.0

    .NET 10.0 (LTS)

LTS = Long Time Service

And here is a summary of the main features that the C# language incorporates.

Features by version