
Unions in C++

  • 3 min

A union in C++ is a data structure that allows storing different types of data in the same memory location.

Unlike structures (structs), where each member has its own storage area, in unions, all members share the same memory area.

This means that a union can have multiple members, but only one member can hold a value at any given time.

Unions are used when different types of data need to be stored in the same variable, but only one needs to be accessed at a given time.

In general, it is not a structure that you should use frequently. It only makes sense in the case of some memory optimizations (generally, they are not common).

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for defining a union is similar to that of a structure (struct), but using the union keyword instead of struct.

union UnionName {
    data_type1 member1;
    data_type2 member2;
    // More members

For example,

union Data {
    int integer;
    float floating;
    char character;

In this example, Data is a union that can contain an integer, a float, or a character (but only one of them at a time).

Accessing Union Members

To access union members, the same syntax is used as for accessing members of a structure (struct), using the dot operator (.).

Data data;
data.integer = 10;
std::cout << "Value of the integer: " << data.integer << std::endl;

In this example, the integer member of the data union is accessed and assigned a value.

Size of a Union

The size of a union is equal to the size of the largest member. This is because the union reserves enough memory space to store the largest member, and all other members share the same memory location.

union Data {
    int integer;
    char string[10];

std::cout << "Size of the union Data: " << sizeof(Data) << std::endl; // Will print the size of an int

In this example, the size of the Data union will be equal to the size of an integer, as the integer member is the largest.

Using Unions to Save Memory

Unions can be used to save memory when different types of data need to be stored in the same memory location, but only one needs to be accessed at a given time.

union Value {
    int integer;
    float floating;

Value v;
v.integer = 10;
std::cout << "Value of the integer: " << v.integer << std::endl;

In this example, a Value union is used to store an integer or a float in the same memory location. This helps save memory compared to using separate variables for each data type.

When using unions, it is important to keep in mind some restrictions and considerations

  • Concurrent Access: Only one of the union members can be accessed at a time. Changing the value of one member can affect the values of the other members.
  • Shared Storage: All members share the same memory location, so modifying one member can affect the others.
  • Incompatible Types: The data types stored in a union must be compatible with each other in terms of size and memory alignment.