In C++, the std::string
class is a utility of the standard library that represents and manages strings of characters.
Unlike traditional C character arrays, std::string
offers a series of methods and operators that facilitate text manipulation (such as concatenation, searching, and modifying substrings).
Additionally, std::string
automatically manages memory, avoiding many of the problems associated with manual memory management.
Whenever possible, we should prefer std::string
to a null-terminated string.
The basic declaration of a string is:
#include <string>
std::string string_name;
For example, something like this,
#include <string>
std::string greeting; // Empty string
std::string name = "Luis"; // Initialization with a literal string
We can initialize the value of the std::string in different ways.
std::string greeting = "Hello, world";
std::string name(5, 'a'); // Initializes with 5 'a' characters, i.e., "aaaaa"
Basic operations
We can concatenate strings using the +
std::string name = "Luis";
std::string last_name = "Pérez";
std::string full_name = name + " " + last_name; // "Luis Pérez"
Or even the +=
std::string greeting = "Hello";
greeting += ", world"; // "Hello, world"
We can access a specific character using the []
char first_character = greeting[0]; // 'H'
Or using the at
method, which provides safe access (throws an exception if the index is out of bounds).
char first_character =; // 'H'
We can modify strings using both the []
operator and the at
greeting[0] = 'h'; // "hello, world" = 'H'; // "Hello, world"
We can get the length using length
or size
std::size_t length = greeting.length(); // 10
To compare strings, we can use relational operators
if (name == "Luis") {
std::cout << "The name is Luis" << std::endl;
Or the compare
if ("Luis") == 0) {
std::cout << "The name is Luis" << std::endl;
We can search for text within a string using find
std::size_t position = greeting.find("world"); // Returns 6
We can obtain a substring using the substr
std::string world = greeting.substr(6, 5); // "world"
Methods and functions
Adds a string to the end of the current string.
greeting.append("!!"); // "Hello, world!!"
Inserts a string at a specific position.
greeting.insert(5, "dear "); // "Hello, dear world"
Removes a part of the string.
greeting.erase(5, 7); // "Hello, world"
Replaces a part of the string with another.
greeting.replace(5, 5, "dear "); // "Hello, dear world"
Returns a pointer to a C-style string (null-terminated).
const char* c_greeting = greeting.c_str();
Checks if the string is empty.
if (greeting.empty()) {
std::cout << "The string is empty" << std::endl;
Clears the string, making it empty.
Practical example
Let’s see a somewhat more complete example to illustrate the use of std::string
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::string name = "Luis";
std::string last_name = "Pérez";
std::string full_name = name + " " + last_name;
std::cout << "Full name: " << full_name << std::endl;
// Modify the name
full_name.replace(0, 4, "Carlos");
std::cout << "Modified name: " << full_name << std::endl;
// Search and remove last name
std::size_t position = full_name.find("Pérez");
if (position != std::string::npos) {
std::cout << "Without last name: " << full_name << std::endl;
return 0;
In this example, we see how to declare, initialize, concatenate, modify, search, and remove parts of a std::string