
Bitwise Operators in C++

  • 4 min

Bit and byte operators in C++ allow you to manipulate data at the bit level of individual bits or groups of bits in a variable.

Unlike common arithmetic operators, which operate on whole values, bit operators manipulate each bit in the binary representation of a number.

C++ provides several bitwise operators, each with its own specific functionality. Here is a summary table.

&Bitwise AND
|Bitwise OR
^Bitwise XOR
~Bitwise NOT
<<Left shift
>>Right shift

Types of Bitwise Operators in C++

AND Operator (&)

The AND bitwise operator performs a logical AND operation between each pair of corresponding bits of two operands. The result is 1 only if both bits are 1, otherwise the result is 0.

int a = 6;   // Binary: 00000110
int b = 3;   // Binary: 00000011

int result = a & b; // Binary: 00000010 (only the common bits)

In this example, the operation a & b compares each bit in the numbers a and b. Only the third bit from the right is 1 in both, so the result is 00000010, which equals 2 in decimal.

OR Operator (|)

The OR bitwise operator performs a logical OR operation between each pair of corresponding bits of two operands. The result is 1 if at least one of the bits is 1, otherwise the result is 0.

int a = 6;   // Binary: 00000110
int b = 3;   // Binary: 00000011

int result = a | b; // Binary: 00000111 (if any bit is 1)

Here, the operation a | b sets each bit to 1 if at least one of the corresponding bits in a or b is 1. The result is 00000111, which is 7 in decimal.

XOR Operator (^)

int a = 6;   // Binary: 00000110
int b = 3;   // Binary: 00000011

int result = a ^ b; // Binary: 00000101 (only if the bits are different)

In this case, a ^ b returns 1 only if the corresponding bits in a and b are different. The result 00000101 equals 5.

NOT Operator (~)

The NOT bitwise operator performs a bitwise negation of its operand, inverting each bit of the operand (the 0s become 1s and vice versa).

int a = 6;    // Binary: 00000110

int result = ~a; // Binary: 11111001 in an 8-bit representation

Left Shift

The << operator shifts all bits to the left. In the example, 3 << 2 is 00001100, which equals 12.

int a = 3;   // Binary: 00000011
int result = a << 2; // Shifts two bits to the left
// Result: 12 (00001100)

This shift is similar to multiplying the number by powers of 2 (in this case, 3 * 2^2 = 12).

Right Shift

The >> operator shifts the bits to the right. In the example, 12 >> 2 is 00000011, which equals 3.

int a = 12;  // Binary: 00001100
int result = a >> 2; // Shifts two bits to the right

// Result: 3 (00000011)

This shift is similar to dividing the number by powers of 2 (12 / 2^2 = 3).

Applications of Bit Operators

Bit Manipulation to Apply Masks

Using masks allows us to manipulate specific bits without affecting others. For example, to set the third bit of a number to 1:

int number = 5;     // Binary: 00000101
int mask = 1 << 2;  // Mask: 00000100
number = number | mask;  // Apply bitwise OR to set the bit
// Result: 7 (00000111)

Bit Checking

To check if a specific bit is set (for example, the third bit):

int number = 5;         // Binary: 00000101
int mask = 1 << 2;      // Mask: 00000100

bool isThirdHigh = number & mask   // Checks if the third bit is 1

Using Bit and Byte Operators

Suppose we want to activate the third bit of a variable and deactivate the fourth bit. We could use bit operators as follows:

int value = 12;  // Binary representation: 1100

value |= (1 << 2);  // Activate third bit (counting from 0)
value &= ~(1 << 3); // Deactivate fourth bit

In this example, we are using bit operators to perform precise operations on the third and fourth bits of the value variable.

If you want to delve deeper, here’s a binary course👇