
Color Theory and Models Cheat Sheet

Color Theory

Color Wheel

Primary Colors

Colors that cannot be created from other colors.

  • In the RGB model, they are Red, Green, and Blue
  • In the CMYK model, they are Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow

Secondary Colors

Colors formed by mixing two primary colors.

  • RGB:
  • CMYK:

Tertiary Colors

Result from mixing a primary color with a secondary color.

Color Relationships

Complementary Colors

Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. They are used to create contrast.

Analogous Colors

Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Used for harmony.

Triadic Colors

Three colors that are equidistant on the color wheel, forming a triangle.

Color Perception

Simultaneous Contrast

An effect in which the perception of a color is altered by the presence of adjacent colors.

Lighting and Color

Ambient light can alter the perception of color. Different light sources (such as sunlight, incandescent light) produce different effects.

Color Composition

The mixing of several colors can be calculated using a weighted average.

whereare the weights that sum to 1.

Linear Interpolation

LERP (Linear Interpolation), which calculates an intermediate point between two colors

Whereis a value between 0 and 1 that determines the mixing point between the two colorsand. This formula can be applied to each color component (R, G, B, or A).

Lab produces more natural results, as it is designed to ensure that the distances between colors are perceptually uniform.

Color Models

RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

An additive model based on mixing light of different colors. Used in screens and electronic devices.

whereare values in the range of 0 to 255.

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)

A subtractive model used in printing. It is based on the absorption of light.

HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness)

A color model that describes colors in terms of their hue, saturation, and lightness.

HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness)

A variation of the HSL model. The main difference is that the “Value” in HSV defines the maximum brightness of the color, which is useful in graphical interfaces for controlling light intensity.


A color model based on human perception. It is designed to be perceptually uniform (compared to RGB or HSL).

XYZ (CIE 1931)

One of the first attempts to create a color space based on human perception. It is an abstract mathematical representation of visible colors, where

  • represents a mix of red and green colors.
  • represents brightness.
  • represents a mix of blue and green colors.


Chrominance (UV), allows for better processing and compression of video signals.

  • : Luminance (brightness).
  • ,: Chrominance (colors).

This model allows compressing color information without significantly affecting visual perception in humans.

Color Conversions



whereare normalized values (0 to 1).


The reverse conversion is:



  • Calculate the maximum (Cmax) and minimum (Cmin) values of.
  • Lightness:
  • Saturation:
  • Hue:


The steps for the reverse conversion are:

  1. If, then the color is a shade of gray:
  1. If:

    • Calculateand:
    • Convert the hue to RGB values using the helper functionfor each channel:
  2. Useand the results to get,,:



The conversion from RGB to XYZ involves transformation matrices that depend on the reference system and the RGB color space used. For example, with the D65 matrix


XYZ to RGB (Reverse conversion)

The reverse conversion requires the inverse matrix of the transformation from RGB to XYZ:

Before applying this formula, the values of,,are normalized (i.e., they are in the appropriate range).



whereif, otherwise.


For the reverse conversion from LAB to XYZ:

  1. Calculate:
  1. Then, the values,,are obtained as follows:

Binary Color Representation

HEX is expressed as a value of 6 hexadecimal characters

Each pair of hexadecimal characters represents the value of red (), green (), and blue (), ranging from 00 (minimum) to FF (maximum), instead of the range 0-255.

For example:

  • represents.

RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)

Alpha (). This channel specifies the transparency or opacity of a color, being widely used in computer graphics, visual effects, and web design.

The alpha property is interpreted as follows:

  • : completely transparent.
  • (or 255): completely opaque.

Typical values for,,, andrange from 0 to 255, or from 0 to 1 when normalized.



A color system that uses 8 bits for each component (red, green, and blue), totaling 24 bits per pixel.

Commonly used in high-quality graphics, video games, and applications that require a wide range of colors and detail.

Value Range Each component can have a value between 0 and 255.

  • Whereare values in the range of 0 to 255.


A color system that uses 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, and 5 bits for blue, totaling 16 bits per pixel.

Usage Frequently used in embedded devices and LCD displays, where a balance between image quality and efficient memory usage is required.

  • Red:(5 bits)
  • Green:(6 bits)
  • Blue:(5 bits)
  • Whereare values in the range of 0 to 31 for red and blue, and from 0 to 63 for green.


A system that uses 4 bits for each component, totaling 12 bits per pixel.

  • Red:
  • Green:
  • Blue:


A system that uses 3 bits for red, 3 bits for green, and 2 bits for blue, totaling 8 bits per pixel.

  • Red:
  • Green:
  • Blue:

Conversion Between RGB Color Representations

RGB888 to HEX

You must convert each,,value to its corresponding two-digit hexadecimal value.



HEX to RGB888

Simply convert the pairs of hexadecimal characters to their decimal values.


From RGB888 to RGB565

The conversion reduces the range of each component and adjusts the values to align with the bit capacity of RGB565.

From RGB565 to RGB888

When converting, the range of each component is expanded to fit the full range of 0 to 255.