Language: EN


Chemistry Cheatsheet

Ideal Gas Law


  • = Pressure
  • = Volume
  • = Number of moles
  • = Ideal gas constant
  • = Temperature in Kelvin

Stoichiometry and Molecular Relationships

Conservation of Mass

Molar Mass

  • = Molar mass (g/mol)
  • = Mass (g)
  • = Number of moles

Molar Concentration (Molarity)

  • = Molarity (mol/L)
  • = Number of moles
  • = Volume of solution (L)

Mass Percentage

Chemical Equilibrium

Equilibrium Constant ()

Whererepresents equilibrium concentrations and the lowercase letters are the stoichiometric coefficients.

Law of Mass Action (for gases):

  • = Equilibrium constant in terms of pressure
  • = Change in the number of moles of gas


First Law of Thermodynamics

  • = Change in internal energy
  • = Heat
  • = Work done on or by the system

Reaction Enthalpy ()

Gibbs Free Energy ()

  • = Gibbs free energy
  • = Change in enthalpy
  • = Temperature
  • = Change in entropy


Faraday’s Law

  • = Total charge (in coulombs)
  • = Number of moles of electrons
  • = Faraday’s constant (96485 C/mol)

Standard Cell Potential

Nernst Equation

  • = Cell potential
  • = Gas constant
  • = Temperature
  • = Number of electrons transferred
  • = Reaction quotient

Acids and Bases

Acid Dissociation Constant ()

Ionic Product of Water

Relationship between pH and Proton Concentration

Relationship between pOH and Hydroxide Concentration

pH-pOH Relationship

Chemical Kinetics

Reaction Rate

For the equation

  • = Reaction rate
  • = Rate constant
  • ,= Concentrations of reactants
  • n$ = Partial orders of reaction with respect to each reactant

Arrhenius Equation

  • = Rate constant
  • = Frequency factor
  • = Activation energy
  • = Gas constant
  • = Temperature in Kelvin

Nuclear Chemistry Formulas

Radioactive Decay Law

  • = Number of nuclei that have not decayed at time
  • = Initial number of nuclei
  • = Decay constant
