Language: EN


Blazor Cheatsheet

Blazor is a Microsoft framework that allows building interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript, leveraging .NET and WebAssembly for modern applications.

Types of Blazor

Blazor WebAssembly (WASM)

Runs C# directly in the browser using WebAssembly.

Blazor Server

Runs the code on the server and sends updates to the browser in real-time via SignalR.

Create project

Create a Blazor WebAssembly project

To create a basic Blazor WebAssembly project.

dotnet new blazorwasm -o MyBlazorProject

Create a Blazor Server project

To create a Blazor Server project.

dotnet new blazorserver -o MyBlazorServerProject

Components in Blazor

Components in Blazor

Components are the fundamental unit of Blazor. They are written in .razor files and can include C#, HTML, and Razor.

<h3>Hello, Blazor</h3>

@code {
    string message = "Welcome to Blazor";

Communicating between components

Properties and parameters can be used to communicate data between components.


@code {
    public string Title { get; set; }

To pass parameters to a component:

<CustomComponent Title="Hello Blazor" />

Lifecycle of components

Lifecycle methods

Blazor provides several lifecycle methods to control component logic:

  • OnInitialized() Runs once when the component is initialized.

  • OnParametersSet() Runs every time parameters change.

  • OnAfterRender() Runs after the component has been rendered.

@code {
    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        Console.WriteLine("Component initialized");

Data Binding

One-way binding

One-way data binding is used to display data in the UI.


@code {
    string message = "Hello from Blazor";

Two-way binding

Two-way data binding allows changes in the UI to be reflected in the code and vice versa. It uses the @bind attribute.

<input @bind="message" />

@code {
    string message = "Hello Blazor";

Event Handling

Common events

Blazor uses the @ prefix to handle browser events, such as button clicks and text changes.

<button @onclick="HandleClick">Click me</button>

@code {
    void HandleClick() {
        Console.WriteLine("Button clicked!");


Blazor allows event communication between parent and child components with EventCallback.

Child component:

<button @onclick="OnClick">Click me</button>

@code {
    public EventCallback OnClick { get; set; }

Parent component:

<ChildComponent OnClick="HandleChildClick" />

@code {
    void HandleChildClick() {
        Console.WriteLine("The child component's button was clicked");

Conditional rendering and loops

Conditional rendering

Blazor allows showing or hiding elements based on logical conditions.

@if (show) {
    <p>This is a conditional paragraph</p>

Rendering with loops

Use @foreach to iterate over collections and render multiple elements.

@foreach (var item in list) {

@code {
    List<string> list = new List<string> { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" };

Common directives in Blazor


Defines a route in a Razor component, making it a page.

@page "/home"
<h3>Home Page</h3>


Allows writing C# blocks within a .razor component.

@code {
    string message = "Hello Blazor";


Injects services into components for dependency access.

@inject TimeService Time
<p>Current time: @Time.GetCurrentTime()</p>

Routing in Blazor

Route configuration

In a .razor component, you can define routes with @page.

@page "/about"
<h3>About Page</h3>

Programmatic navigation

You can redirect programmatically using NavigationManager.

@inject NavigationManager navManager

<button @onclick="NavigateToHome">Go to Home</button>

@code {
    void NavigateToHome() {

Dependency Injection

Configuring services

Blazor supports dependency injection through the service container in Program.cs.


Injecting services in a component

To use a service within a component, @inject is used.

@inject TimeService Time

<p>The time is: @Time.GetCurrentTime()</p>

@code {
    // additional logic

Forms and Validation

Creating a simple form

Blazor makes it easy to create forms with two-way binding and submit events.

<EditForm Model="@user" OnValidSubmit="HandleSubmit">
    <InputText id="name" @bind-Value="user.Name" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

@code {
    User user = new User();

    void HandleSubmit() {
        Console.WriteLine("Form submitted");

Form validation

Blazor includes support for validation using data annotation attributes (DataAnnotations).

public class User {
    public string Name { get; set; }

Reusable components

Parameterized components

You can create reusable components by passing parameters.


@code {
    public string Title { get; set; }

Nested components

You can use components within other components:

<ChildComponent Title="My Component" />

Blazor and JavaScript

Invoking JavaScript from Blazor

Blazor allows interoperability with JavaScript through IJSRuntime.

@inject IJSRuntime js

<button @onclick="ShowAlert">Show Alert</button>

@code {
    async Task ShowAlert() {
        await js.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", "Hello from Blazor!");

Invoking Blazor from JavaScript

You can call C# methods from JavaScript using DotNet.invokeMethodAsync.

DotNet.invokeMethodAsync('AssemblyName', 'MethodInCSharp');

Deploying Blazor applications

Blazor WebAssembly

To publish a WebAssembly application, use the following command:

dotnet publish --configuration Release

Blazor Server

To publish a Blazor Server application:

dotnet publish --configuration Release --output ./public

Debugging and Optimization

Debugging in Blazor WebAssembly

You can debug Blazor WASM applications using browser developer tools and Visual Studio.

Load optimization

Use release mode publishing to optimize application loading.

dotnet publish -c Release