Language: EN


3D Design and Printing Cheatsheet

Printing Process

  • Design your model in 3D design software (like Blender or Tinkercad).
  • Export your model in STL format or another compatible format.
  • Import the STL file into slicing software like Cura or PrusaSlicer.
  • Configure print parameters in the slicer.
  • Generate the G-Code, which will contain the instructions for the 3D printer.
  • Transfer the G-Code to the printer and start printing.

3D Design Software

These are the software we use to draw our parts.


Open-source software for 3D modeling, sculpting, animation, and simulation.



Free and easy application for creating 3D models online, ideal for beginners.

Downloading Files

In addition to creating models from scratch, it is possible to download free 3D files from various online platforms, such as Thingiverse and MyMiniFactory.

File Formats

STL (Stereolithography)

The STL format is the most common for 3D printing. Export your model to this format for printing.

# In Blender:
File > Export > STL


Format that contains the specific instructions the 3D printer follows to print a model.

Other Formats

Triangulated Formats

  1. OBJ: Format that includes geometry and texture maps, used in 3D graphics and animation.
  2. AMF (Advanced Model Format): Advanced format that supports multiple materials and colors, offering more detail than STL.
  3. PLY (Polygon File Format or Stanford Triangle Format): Supports color data and texture coordinates along with the model’s geometry.
  4. 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format): Format designed for 3D printing that can include geometry, textures, and colors.
  5. FBX (Filmbox): Format used for transferring 3D models and their animations.
  6. DAE (Collada): Format that allows interoperability between various 3D modeling applications.
  7. BLEND (Blender): Native file format of Blender that contains all the information of a 3D project, including textures and animations.
  8. C4D (Cinema 4D): Native file format of Cinema 4D, used for 3D models and animations.
  9. MAX (3ds Max): Native format of 3ds Max, used in the 3D graphics and animation industry.

CAD Formats

  1. STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data): CAD data exchange format that allows representation of complex 3D models.
  2. IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification): Exchange format used in computer-aided design to represent 3D models.
  3. SLDPRT (SolidWorks Part File): File format used by SolidWorks to store 3D part designs.
  4. IPT (Inventor Part File): Native file format of Autodesk Inventor, which stores 3D part design information.
  5. IAM (Inventor Assembly File): Assembly file format of Autodesk Inventor, used to store assemblies of parts.
  6. PAR (Part File): Native file format of Solid Edge that stores information about part design.


These are the software we use to process our 3D designs and convert them into instructions the printer can follow (G-code).


One of the most used slicing software for preparing STL files and exporting to G-code format.

# In terminal (Cura installed):


Advanced slicer, optimized for Prusa 3D printers, but compatible with others.

# Shortcuts to configure:
File > Import STL  # Imports your STL file

Common Materials

PLA (Polylactic Acid)

Easy to print and biodegradable. Deforms at high temperatures and is sensitive to UV light, which can cause degradation over time.

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

Strong and durable, ideal for mechanical parts. Emits toxic fumes when heated.

Although it is very popular, I prefer PETG for its lower odor emissions and greater durability.

PETG (Glycol-Modified Polyethylene Terephthalate)

Combines strength and flexibility. Suitable for mechanical parts and resistant to moisture. Food-safe in some variants.

TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane)

Flexible and elastic, perfect for deformable objects like phone cases. Can be difficult to print due to its flexibility.

ASA (Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate)

Similar to ABS but with greater weather resistance and UV degradation. Ideal for outdoor applications.

Nylon (Polyamide)

Very strong and wear-resistant. However, it is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture. Requires a printer that can handle high temperatures.

HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene)

Lightweight and easy to print material, often used as support for ABS prints. Can be dissolved in limonene.

3D Printing Parameters

Layer Height

Defines the thickness of each printed layer. Affects quality and printing time.

  • 0.1 mm: High quality
  • 0.2 mm: Standard quality
  • 0.3 mm: Fast prints

Number of Top and Bottom Layers

At least 3 layers are recommended to ensure good coverage on the top and bottom of the part.


Extruder Temperature

Depends on the material used:

  • PLA: 180-220°C
  • ABS: 220-250°C
  • PETG: 230-250°C

Layer Fan

Controls cooling during printing.

  • A 100% fan is common for PLA.
  • ABS needs limited fan.


Infill Density

Controls the amount of material inside the object.

  • 20%: Basic structure, normal strength
  • 50%: Very good strength
  • 100%: Solid objects

Infill Pattern

Includes options like lines, squares, hexagons, or triangles. Each pattern affects strength and printing time.

Standard pattern: lines


Speed at which the print head deposits material.

Typical speeds range from 40 to 80 mm/s. Lower speeds improve quality.

Standard speed: 60 mm/s

Travel Speed

Generally set between 80 and 200 mm/s.


Retraction Distance

Controls how much filament is retracted. Commonly between 0.5 and 2 mm.

Retraction Speed

Typical range of 25 to 60 mm/s.

Bed Adhesion

Bed Temperature

Helps improve adhesion.

  • PLA and PETG require between 50-60 °C
  • ABS requires between 90-110 °C.

Adhesion Structures

Select methods such as “raft,” “brim,” or “skirt” to improve the adhesion of the part.

Brim/Raft Thickness

Generally, a brim of 5-10 mm is sufficient to prevent corners from lifting.

Common Errors

Bed Adhesion Failures

Parts do not adhere well to the bed, which can cause them to shift or lift.

  • Dirty or poorly prepared bed surface.
  • Incorrect bed temperature.
  • Level the bed.

Insufficient Extrusion

Filament does not extrude properly, leading to incomplete or missing layers.

  • Clean the extruder and check for obstructions.
  • Low-quality or moist filament.
  • Printing speed too high.

Striations and Roughness on the Surface

The surface of the printed part has visible lines or roughness.

  • Printing speed too high.
  • Incorrect extruder temperature.
  • Poorly configured retraction.


Corners of the part lift, causing deformations.

  • Increase bed temperature.
  • Use high-adhesion adhesives or tapes.
  • Add supports or change the model orientation.


Appearance of thin filaments between parts of the print.

  • Decrease extruder temperature.
  • Adjust retraction distance and speed.
  • Increase travel speed.

Misaligned Layers

Layers do not align properly, causing steps or irregularities.

  • Check and level the print bed.
  • Check pulleys and belts to ensure they are properly adjusted.
  • Lubricate guides and axes.

Missing Material or “Missing Layers”

Entire layers are missing in the print, creating gaps in the model.

  • Filament jammed or poorly fed.
  • Issues in slicer configuration.
  • Reconfigure slicer parameters.

Excessive Noise or Vibrations

The printer produces excessive noise or vibrations during printing.

  • Printer misalignment.
  • Unstable surfaces.
  • Worn or poorly adjusted parts.

Calibration and Maintenance

Bed Leveling

Ensures that the print bed is level to avoid first layer adhesion issues.

Extrusion Calibration

Prevents under-extrusion or over-extrusion by adjusting the material flow.

# G-code command to calibrate:
M92 E0 # Adjusts the extruder value

Replace Nozzle

Regularly replace the nozzle, especially if there are clogs or wear. Using a larger diameter nozzle (0.6 mm) speeds up prints.