
10 million thanks!

  • 1 min

We are celebrating on the blog because:

We have surpassed 10 million visits!

Something unthinkable when we started our journey, almost 10 years ago, with the sole objective of sharing hobbies and interests, and making it a little easier for those (like us) who are looking to keep learning and helping others learn.

Although numbers were never (and are not) the most important thing, but rather to contribute a grain of sand to so many pages, and so many people who share on the Internet… but we’re not going to deny that it excites us!

So we can only thank the more than 5 million friends who have visited this little corner at some point, and all together account for more than 15 million page views.

We take this opportunity to make a special mention to all those teachers and trainers who often send us your projects. Thank you for your work in schools, high schools, and universities, and the effort to offer a different and motivating education to your students #bigFans!

Not much more to say. Just that for all of you who are part of this crazy project, whether it’s reading a post, leaving a comment, chatting on Twitter, LinkedIn, or exchanging code on Github.

10 million thanks!!!